Looking for jobs or contracting opportunities or talented employees in your community? There may be no better place to start than HUD’s Section 3 Opportunity Portal (https://hudapps.hud.gov/OpportunityPortal/).
Rather than a grant program Section 3’s Opportunity Portal is an on-line hub designed to connect people and small businesses with employment and contracts that result from HUD-funded activities in their community.
People like Josh, an experienced carpenter looking for his next job. His local employment agency tells him about HUD’s Section 3 Opportunity Portal where he can register and post his resume. When he does, he learns that the local housing authority is looking for people with his skills for a HUD-funded renovation of one of its properties. He applies and is hired on.
Or small businesses like Amy’s licensed security firm whose employees meet HUD income guidelines. She registers her firm on HUD’s Section 3 Opportunity Portal Business Registry where she learns that her local housing authority is upgrading security at one of its facilities. Her firm meets the qualifications, she submits a competitive bid and wins the contract
Or a local non-profit that plans to expand supportive services after winning a HUD grant. Non-profit company searches resumes posted by local residents on HUD’s Section 3 Opportunity Portal, finds a couple of qualified applicants, gives them a call and, quickly and efficiently, expanded services are up and running.
HUD’s Section 3 Opportunity Portal is nothing fancy. It’s just an easy, on-line hub where people can find work, businesses can find opportunities and organizations can find talented staff in the communities they call. If you’re looking for the sound of opportunity knocking, HUD’s Opportunity Portal is the perfect place for you.
Got questions? Please call HUD Alaska’s Antonia Gale, Program Analyst at 907-677-9832 or email at: antonia.s.gale@hud.gov