CoastView: A Treasure Map at your Fingertips

What began as a coastal mapping project for scientists and offshore oil spill responders grew into a full-fledged mapping quest to illuminate rugged treasures hidden along the coastlines of Alaska and the Pacific Northwest for everyone to enjoy. Together, Amalie Couvillion, Mario Pilz, and Carl Schoch put their minds and creativity together to create CoastView, a mobile app that transforms a regular trip into a sightseeing adventure – with no wifi limitations.
CoastView connects people with the wonders and diversity of Pacific Northwest and Alaska coasts by providing up-close and vivid images either from the user’s current location or interactively while on the move. With images curated by coastal ecologists, you know you’re enjoying a better-than-bird’s-eye view of the world around you. Simply pick a starting point on the map and explore at the touch of your fingertips concealed coves, sandy beaches, and grand scenery of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia and Alaska. You will always know where you are even while cruising from 36,000 feet in the air courtesy of CoastView’s built in map. At your convenience, experience the delightful and educational virtual mode feature with just a tap to “visit” the coast at from anywhere, on your time.
Couvillion worked with the Alaska Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and utilized co-counseling opportunities in both Anchorage and Fairbanks to make this dream a virtual reality. Business advisor Lynn Klassert assisted her with digital content, financial models, and business planning while business advisor Kimberlee Hayward guided her on marketing, website development, and web presence. Most recently, business advisor Alexis Fanelli worked with Couvillion on her business model, goals, and networking. She shares; “Having spent most of my career (until now!) in government or non-profits, I found the help of the SBDC advisors invaluable. Setting up a business was completely new to me, and working with the SBDC gave me the reassurance that I was approaching things the right way. From input on my business idea, to guidance on setting up a legal entity, and feedback on my marketing plans, their help and encouragement have been very important to me. The classes offered by the SBDC have been quite helpful as well.”
What a journey it has been, and it is only the beginning. Ready to have the best seat in the house, no matter where you are? Visit CoastView at their website:, and on Facebook and Instagram. Whether at home or on the fly, CoastView will be an experience you won’t soon forget.