Alaska Small Business Development Center

Burkeshore Marina

Katie Gittlein, an owner of Burkeshore Marina, first came in to the Alaska Small Business Development Center in Wasilla because she and her business partners were looking to refinance and consolidate several smaller loans. Gittlein and her business partners worked with Assistant State Director Julie Nolen to develop a business plan, gather historical financial data from the company and go over the key ratios the bank would be interested in such as current and quick ratios and debt to equity. After working with Nolen for several months, Burkeshore Marina was approved for a loan with Northrim Bank. burkeshore 2

“Developing a business plan was going to be a daunting task; but with the help of Julie and the SBDC we were given the step by step tools to complete the process. The SBDC left us feeling more confident and excited to continue on reaching for our goals” said Gittlein.

Burkeshore Marina has been serving the Big Lake and greater Mat-Su area for over 50 years and is known for their quality products, expert service and friendly staff. They offer services such as storage, moorage and boat service to docks as well as boat lifts and fuel. You can visit them online at or in person at 3610 North Burkeshore Drive in Big Lake, Alaska.