To set up an initial appointment, you must first register on our client portal.
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The Alaska SBDC offers three fundamental areas that cover the needs of startups and established businesses:
- One-on-one, confidential, and no-cost technical assistance.
- Virtual and in-person training focused on topics of interest to small business owners. These are facilitated by Alaska SBDC staff, local professionals, and guest speakers.
- Customized market research for each client.
Small businesses benefit from these services, which create new jobs, increase revenue, strengthen and diversify the local and state economy, and result in growth and stability.
What the SBDC does
The Alaska SBDC provides resources, advice, and assistance that help small businesses grow and create measurable economic impact throughout Alaska. Assistance is provided by experienced business advisors and experts through no-cost on-site and/or online interactions and through no or very low-cost business workshops and training to clients.
No other program offers the same reach, resources, or opportunities to create an impact on businesses at every stage of development.
Who we serve
We provide service to businesses across the full spectrum of the business life cycle. Whether you’re just thinking of a business idea, launching a new business, going to the next level with an existing business, or thinking of selling your business, the Alaska SBDC can help you in your journey.
What the Alaska SBDC cannot do
The Alaska SBDC is not a lender and cannot loan money to businesses or start-ups. However, the Alaska SBDC enjoys partnerships with lending institutions across the state, and Business Advisors are available to help identify funding opportunities and the preparation for applying for funding.
The Alaska SBDC is prevented from assisting nonprofits because the Alaska SBDC is an economic development arm of the state of Alaska. Therefore, we rely on tax-supported appropriations and are mandated to work only with for-profit companies. However, everyone is welcome to join us for related workshops.
Our cooperative agreement with the Small Business Administration (SBA) states our award is governed by and constituted under federal law. Since marijuana is illegal under federal law, the Alaska SBDC is prevented from assisting clients who engage in its sale and possession.
The SBA cooperative agreement also prohibits us from providing legal, accounting or tax assistance.
We are Business Advisors
One of the biggest challenges with running a small business is that it’s hard to be an expert in everything. The Alaska SBDC is staffed by certified Business Advisors who work to provide entrepreneurs and business owners with the support that they need to do what they do best: run their small businesses.
Whether starting, buying, selling, or exiting a small business, this is where an Alaska SBDC Advisor provides value (at no-cost) by filling in the blanks for entrepreneurs on marketing, financial planning, cash-flow projections, accessing funding, putting together feasibility studies, taking the guesswork out of hiring and firing, getting organized, and more.
Would you like assistance from an advisor? Become a client!
To set up an initial appointment, you must first register on our client portal.
Registering to be an Alaska SBDC client allows you to create a virtual client folder where you can review upcoming and on-demand business workshops, contact your closest center, and share documents confidentially with your Alaska SBDC Advisor.
Your client registration will be sent to your nearest Alaska SBDC for review, and your Advisor will be in touch within a few business days to schedule an appointment. Due to demand, Advisors work to meet busy entrepreneurial schedules by working via chat, phone calls, email, and teleconference.
You and your Advisor will set the tone, plan, and meeting schedule based on your individual needs. Get started by creating your client file at (link to client registration page).
Don’t want to speak with an advisor?
If you’re not ready to meet with an Alaska SBDC Business Advisor, we have a few options to help you get started! For the night owls and the early birds. For the brown-bag lunch learners and after-dinner studiers. Entrepreneurs are resilient and gritty. No matter the hour, we’re right there with you.
No-cost and low-cost workshops, both in-person and on-demand, are available for you to review, attend, and get started. On your time and at your pace. Check out our suite of services to get started.
Other recommendations
Whether or not you choose to register for advising, we have tools, resources, and workshops to help guide you through managing, growing, and thriving – regardless of the stage of your business.
Our monthly newsletter includes information from our Executive Director, statewide business updates and opportunities, events and workshops, and more. Sign up today!
Ready to get started with the Alaska SBDC?
If you have any questions, your local Alaska SBDC office can help.