America’s SBDC (Small Business Development Center) and SBA (Small Business Administration) warn small business owners about sophisticated scams that attempt to steal their information.
Here’s what you need to know:
- Scammers are using logos from America’s SBDC and SBA to appear legitimate
- Their goal is to trick you into revealing personal or business information (such as awarding you a grant)
Important Reminders:
- As an SBDC, we can provide guidance on SBA programs but cannot award grants ourselves
- Be cautious of unsolicited calls, emails, or letters
Protect Yourself:
- Verify the legitimacy of any communication by contacting your local SBDC or the SBA directly. You can find contact information for Alaska at our site:
about/contact/ or SBA Alaska District Office: district/alaska.
We encourage you to:
- Report any suspicious activity to the SBA’s Inspector General at
sba/oversight-advocacy/office- inspector-general/office-inspe ctor-general-hotline.
By staying informed, you can help protect yourself and your business from falling victim to this scam.