Alaska Small Business Development Center

Apply by April 28th: SBA T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined Program

April 16, 2024

The SBA T.H.R.I.V.E. program will guide you in establishing efficient systems and processes, allowing you to spend less time on day-to-day operational tasks and more time focused on strategic growth initiatives.

You’ll also learn to master your financials, innovate and diversify for market competitiveness, and foster a thriving company culture that attracts and retains top talent so you can confidently delegate responsibilities.

The T.H.R.I.V.E. Emerging Leaders Reimagined program offers a hybrid of an online curriculum through an interactive e-learning platform with in-person CEO mastermind sessions and live business coaching. Additionally, business owners produce a 3-year strategic growth plan with benchmarks and performance targets to access the support and resources necessary to move forward.

The application deadline is April 28th, 2024.

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