Alaska Small Business Development Center

SBIR & STTR OmniBus Solicitation: National Institutes of Health, Center for Disease Control, Federal Drug Administration

March 1, 2024

The next NIH/CDC/FDA SBIR/STTR Omnibus submission round is due April 5, 2024.

Three times a year, several institutional centers within Health and Human Services open a grant application opportunity to all interested startups/small businesses; this is referred to as an OmniBus solicitation. An OmniBus solicitation is an open invitation to apply for funding to address the need or mission of various institutional focus topics/programs. Due to the plethora of topics within the NIH, the OmniBus solicitation is one of the primary grant programs health-focused startups can access. It is also one of the most competitive.

You can learn more about the NIH Funding Program.

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