Alaska Small Business Development Center

MOA EO-19 “Make it a Safe Spring”

March 4, 2021

Beginning at 8:00 am on Monday, March 8, 2021, Municipality of Anchorage Emergency Order 19 will be put into effect. Here’s what you need to know:

  • Individuals: Continue to limit unnecessary outings and maintain at least 6-feet distance from others. Face coverings and masks are still required in public per EO-13.

  • Travel: Those traveling out of state and entering the Municipality are encouraged to either complete the pre-travel or arrival testing options with a second test 5-14 days after arrival.
  • Gathering Limitations: Indoor gatherings with food or drink are limited to 25 people; 35 without. Outdoor gatherings with food and drink are limited to 60 people; 100 without. Face masks and 6 feet of physical distancing between households and at gatherings indoor or outdoor is required.
  • Hospitality (bars, breweries, restaurants, and clubs): may open with indoor table service. Face masks and 6 feet physical distancing required. Outdoor dining, take-out, and delivery service should remain prioritized.
  • Bingo Halls, Theaters, Private Clubs, and other Entertainment Facilities: May open in alignment with indoor eating and drinking guidelines. Face masks and 6 feet physical distancing required.
  • Organized Sports: spectators are permitted and cross-municipality and borough play may commence with Pre-Competition COVID testing.
  • Gyms, Recreation, and Fitness Centers: Open with face masks and 6 feet physical distancing required.
  • Salons and Personal Care Service Providers: Open with face masks and 6 feet physical distancing required. Note limitations regarding service that require mask removal.
  • Retail and Public-Facing Businesses: May operate with face masks and 6 feet physical distancing required. Telephone and online ordering are encouraged. A continued offering of curbside, entryway, and delivery service is encouraged.

    Read the entire MOA Emergency Order 19 that includes guidance on required visitor logs and the notification of a positive or probable COVID-19 exposure. 

    COVID-19 social media toolkit and downloads are available here.
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